An easy recipe made with very few ingredients and simple. It will make your meals a saucer of different, discount unique and delicious feast.
1 liter of soda Fruity King Orange
1 piece of tape pork loin 1 kg approximately
1 onion
1 bay leaf
salt and ground black pepper
extra virgin olive oil
Preparation mode:
- Season the pork tenderloin and seal it in a pan with a background of oil on the fire along with the bay leaf. We must be patient and brown well on all sides.
- We removed the back and in the same oil sauté the chopped onion until take a little color
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. We put the spine and gold over the onion and add the soda Fruity King Orange.
- Cover the pan and let it stew about 20 minutes. We turn the meat and let another 20 minutes uncovering the pan for the sauce thickens and is reduced.
- We can pass the sauce through the blender. Sliced We serve hot or cold meat, salseada with orange reduction.