A popular dish of the many so called “Antojitos” in Mexico City. It is truly a delicacy that can be found in specialty restaurants in central Mexico.
6 Raspada Corn Tostadas
½ cup refried beans
1 ½ cup shredded lettuce
1 small tomato sliced
½ avocado slices
¼ avocado slices
¼ cup crumbled queso fresco
4 lbs. Cows feet
1 cube beef bouillon
1 bay leaf
4 large garlic cloves cut in half
½ medium size white onion
6 cups of water
For pickling:
1 tablespoon olive oil
½ white medium size onion sliced
1/3 cup white vinegar
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon dried Mexican oregano
1 teaspoon dried thyme
salt and pepper to taste
Preparation Mode:
- Place the cow feet, previously rinse, in a large pot, add the Beef bouillon, bay leaf, garlic, onion, and cover with water. Turn the heat to medium high, once it starts boiling, turn down to simmer. Cook until the meat is tender and easy to remove from the bones. If using a regular pot, it will take about 50 minutes until they are cooked and tender. If using a pressure cooker 25 minutes.
- Once the meat is cooked, wait for it to cool down a little and you are able to remove all the meaty parts of the bones. Place in a colander and rinse with cold water since it is kind of slippery to handle if you don’t rinse them.
- Drain any excess water and cut into cubes or bite size pieces. Set aside in a medium size bowl.
- Now, in a small saucepan, heat the olive oil over a medium heat, add the sliced onion and cook for about one minute. Add the vinegar to simmer for a couple of minutes and turn off the heat. Add the bay leaf, crushed Mexican oregano and thyme. Let it cool for about 5 minutes.
- After the 5 minutes pour the vinegar mixture over the meat, stir well. Season with salt and pepper, and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before using. If you have the time, let it marinate for at least 4 hours. If not, 30 minutes is fine.
- To assembly the tostadas, first spread the beans and then add some lettuce, top with the meat
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. Add any additional topping of the ones mentioned above and enjoy with a hot salsa or pickled jalapeños and carrots. Enjoy!Suggestion:
1. You can add the avocado and tomato slices, and some radish slices and cabbage instead of lettuce.
2. Pickled jalapeños and carrots, Mexican cream