Considered as an exotic food, shrimp is easy to cook and low in calories. Depending on the region from which it originates, it feeds on various ingredients that when combined, result in typical dishes.
There are many ways to prepare shrimp, one of which is to shrimp Tostada certainly a tradition that is not forgotten
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10 Maizada corn tostadas
15 shrimps
1 cup seasoned bread crumbs
½ cup of mayonnaise
4 cups of coleslaw mix
Mexican salsa
Preparation mode:
Preheat oven at 375 degrees.
- Dip shrimps in bread crumbs, buy then place them evenly in lightly greased baking dish.
- Bake at 375 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.
- In a bowl, mix coleslaw and mayonnaise.
- Top each tostada with coleslaw mix, and scoop shrimp. Add Mexican salsa if desired.