Tostadas Raspadas



Mexican traditional dish which is very handy and pays for the whole family! Toasts prepare it with Raspada.
A dish that serves snack or main course, get to work and prepares delicious toast picadillo, accompany them with your favorite hot sauce.RASPADA_SOMBRA

8 Raspada corn tostadas
1 large chopped onion
2 minced garlic cloves
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 lbs

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. ground beef
½ cup tomato sauce
½ cup sliced green pepper
1 cup shredded lettuce
salt and pepper

Preparation mode:

  1. In a large skillet, there add a little bit of oil and cook in a medium heat onions and garlic.
  2. Stir occasionally or until the onion is softened.
  3. Add the ground beef and cook the mixture stirring and breaking up until the beef is no longer red.
  4. Add tomato sauce, pimiento, and salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Stir for 10 minutes or until it is thickened.
  6. Scoop picadillo on each tostada and top with lettuce.

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