


For this hot flashes, eating fresh and light dishes is a perfect option; a great idea is to prepare Maizada Corn Tostadas with fish ceviche which will transport you to the beach if you’re in the middle of the city.

The ceviche tostadas can be a main dish or appetizer also either an entry for strong dishes such as seafood. It can be either as a snack or as an accompaniment.tostada_sombra_2

10 Maizada corn tostadas
1 mero fish fillet
5 tomatoes
2 medium size white onions
½ cup chopped cilantro
1 avocado
enough limes to cover the fish with juice

Preparation mode:

  1. Cut fish in small squares. Put the pieces in a bowl. Add lime juice to marinate; fish should be completly cover with the juice.
  2. Cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 6-8 hours so the fish gets cooked with the juice.
  3. Chop onions and tomatoes in small pieces

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    . Take fish out of the frige; drain and mix it with onions and tomatoes. Add the cilantro.

  4. Place two tostadas on each plate. Scoop some of the fish on top of the tostada. Cut in pieces the avocado and add on top of the fish.

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