In Mexico there are more than 300 varieties of enchiladas. This saucer is a dish result of ancient miscegenation during the prehispanic stage, at which maize consumption and its development were based on the native food.
1 portion of Teloloapan Mole
2 1/2 cups cooked chicken, shredded and warmed. (About 300 grams)
12 tortillas
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 1/2 cup Mexican fresh cheese
1/2 medium size white onion, thinly sliced
lettuce and radishes, or any salad that fits your taste
Preparation Mode:
- You will need two frying pans. Place the Teloloapan Mole in chicken broth and dissolve. Have a plate covered with paper towels ready.
- Meanwhile, add the vegetable oil in the other frying pan and turn the heat to high
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. Once the oil is hot, turn down the heat to medium and start frying the tortillas in a fast pace, turning once. The tortilla should turn soft but without any excess oil. Place the tortillas over the paper towel-covered plate to absorb the oil. Keep them warm.
- After frying all the tortillas, dip them one by one with the help of kitchen tongs (or your hand and a large spatula) into the warm Teloloapan Mole, making sure it is completely submerged. This is also a step that’s done quickly, to avoid breaking the tortillas.
- Place the tortilla onto a plate and add the chicken filling right at the center.
- Fold the tortilla and, with the help of your spatula, place the enmolada on your serving plates. If needed, spoon some more mole sauce over the enmoladas.
- Just before serving, garnish with the crumbed cheese and finely sliced onions.