Mole Teloloapan



In this dish an adaptation of Oaxacan food, which dates back to pre-Hispanic times

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Mole de Olla is a rich soup. It has many variations across the country, but is more popular in the central states of Mexico, where it is a common.

1 jar of Teloloapan Mole Rojo
1 chicken breast
chicken broth
4 potatoes
¼ onion

Preparation Mode:

  1. Boil the chicken breast with salt and onion.
  2. Shred the chicken breast and reserve the broth.
  3. Cut the potatoes into small squares.
  4. Fry with little oil the precut potatoes and place on absorbent paper.
  5. Place in a pan pot ½ Teloloapan Mole, dilute with chicken broth and boil (Taste and add salt to taste).
  6. Add to the mix the mole potatoes and shredded chicken and stand for 10 minutes

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