The marinade can be perfect for any occasion, it can be used in a variety of authentic recipes, from marinating meats to make a single dish that makes a difference in your meetings.
Made from a special combination of nuts, spices, chiles, chocolate and condiments
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Rogelio Bueno Adobo (8.25oz)
Note: Check How to prepare Rogelio Bueno Products.
ground beef (2 lbs.)
chopped bacon (4 slices)
minced celery and onion (1/2 cup each)
pinto beans (1 can)
Preparation Mode:
- Fry bacon until it gets slightly crisp.
- Add onion, celery and the meat.
- Mix until the meat is cooked.
- Add in Adobo Sauce and pinto beans.
- Mix well all the ingredients, and cover and cook on medium heat for 15 minutes stirring occasionally.